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Stories with tag: AI

0xedB0...3484 avatar

Text-To-Speech list of AI tools

Here is a list of text-to-speech AI tools, with a few comments about each of their capacities. This will be ...
by 0xedB0...3484
0xedB0...3484 avatar

Stable Diffusion

My page where I write some notes and links about Stable Diffusion. Stable Diffusion is a diffusion model that ...
by 0xedB0...3484
0xedB0...3484 avatar

AI Agents: the dawn of a new era

As you can read on Why GPT-4 is well under control, Large Language Models cannot act on their own. They are ...
by 0xedB0...3484
0xedB0...3484 avatar

How AIs could acquire emotions

Can AIs have emotions? Feelings? Is it conceivable or are emotions the only privilege of human beings? Let's ...
by 0xedB0...3484
0xedB0...3484 avatar

Why GPT-4 is well under control

In Blade Runner, humans have bio-engineered enhanced versions of themselves that are called replicants. ...
by 0xedB0...3484
0xedB0...3484 avatar


Beyond hype and amazement, how I realised that chatGPT was a wretched poor little lad.
by 0xedB0...3484
0xedB0...3484 avatar

Intelligence was the only thing we had left

Galileo, Darwin, Freud, ... these three humans were messengers of humanity's downfalls. What happens with AI, ...
by 0xedB0...3484
0x1133...7850 avatar

Interroger GPT-4 à propos des humains

J'ai demandé ceci à GPT-4: Imagine que tu veux expliquer à une nouvelle IA pourquoi les humains se comportent ...
by 0x1133...7850
0xedB0...3484 avatar

The 10 commandments of an AI world ruler

In my previous story, I asked GPT-4 to describe the framework that should be imposed on an IA that mankind ...
by 0xedB0...3484
0xedB0...3484 avatar

Framework for a global AI leader

In my previous stories, I asked GPT-4 the reasons why Humans could behave in such irrational ways, and how ...
by 0xedB0...3484
0xedB0...3484 avatar

Asking GPT-4 how Humans could improve?

In my last story Asking GPT-4 about Humans, GPT-4 listed reasons why Humans were behaving in irrational ways. ...
by 0xedB0...3484
0xedB0...3484 avatar

AI Tools: a growing list

Some list of AI tools because there are so many of them that I am loosing track. I'll be adding new links to ...
by 0xedB0...3484
0xedB0...3484 avatar

Midjourney tips and tricks

This story is just a small page where I gather tips and tricks I managed to find elsewhere or discover. ...
by 0xedB0...3484