Stories with tag: Solidity 0.8
Optimised Oracle contract
After a few articles reviewing traditional oracle contracts (1, 2, 3), we can finally have a look at a ...
After a few articles reviewing traditional oracle contracts (1, 2, 3), we can finally have a look at a revised, optimised and much simpler version of an price oracle smart contract.
by 0xedB0...3484
on block 57 088 661
Oracle Smart Contract Review 3
This article follows Oracle Smart Contract Review 2 where we dived into FixedPoint and SafeMaths to do ...
This article follows Oracle Smart Contract Review 2 where we dived into FixedPoint and SafeMaths to do computations in smart contracts. We've reviews many of the oracle contract dependencies so far. ...
by 0xedB0...3484
on block 57 088 637
Oracle smart contract review 2
This is the follow up from Tomb fork oracle review. Please read it if you want to know what you are reading. ...
This is the follow up from Tomb fork oracle review. Please read it if you want to know what you are reading. Now let's talk about FixedPoint.sol.
by 0xedB0...3484
on block 57 088 613
Tomb forks reloaded: the smart contracts
In the previous stories, Tomb forks flaws and improvements, and Tomb forks from a different angle, we ...
In the previous stories, Tomb forks flaws and improvements, and Tomb forks from a different angle, we described the different flaws of current Tomb forks, and explained at how we look at them from a ...
by 0xedB0...3484
on block 57 088 433